Service Learning Partnership - 2SLGBTQIA+ & GBV Findings

We recently partnered with Saint Mary's University through their Service Learning program and their Offenders and Victims course where students shared their research findings with us on a designated topic. One of our chosen areas of interest was how gender-based violence affects 2SLGBTQIA+ communities. We learned more about specific barriers, gaps in services, needed action and strategies for better inclusion.

The knowledge base on violence in intimate relationships and families is dominated by that perpetrated by hetero/cis men against hetero/cis women. But we know that gender diverse folks of 2SLGBTQ+ communities are at much greater risk for gendered violence and harm, and compounded with race, Indigeneity, disability, poverty, and other barriers to culturally /socially appropriate services increase risk of serious harm dramatically. We also tend to think of the roots of GBV in social and systemic structures of patriarchy, male dominance and control, and gender power differentials. How do these dynamics influence IPV for those who are 2SLGBTQ+?

(Check out our other blog post to learn more about our second area of interest: Men’s Intervention Programs & GBV).

This was a wonderful partnership where an organization with limited capacity benefited from a team of researchers to expand our knowledge base. We deeply appreciate the opportunity afforded by Saint Mary’s and hope to do this again in the near future!

To learn more about their findings, check out their final presentation and annotated literature review.

And to learn more about the Service Learning Program at Saint Mary’s: